Vet Services
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Find your nearest specialist vet service or pet therapy service. Enter your post code above and select the service you require. Results will be shown with your nearest practice appearing first.
If you are unsure which specialist service you need, use us to find a local vet and visit them for a consultation. They will then be able to advise you on the treatment your pet, horse or farm animal needs.
In our directory, each veterinary practice has a full list of the services they offer as well as full contact details so you can get in touch with them to discuss your pet or animal’s health.
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Vet Reviews
All the vet practices in our directory can be reviewed by their clients, so finding a reputable vet, vet therapist or specialist vet is easy. If you have recently been to see a vet or animal therapist, please leave them a review through us – this will help other animal owners looking for a similar service. Leaving a review is simple – we use an easy star-rated system with room for optional comments too.