Mallon Veterinary Practice(quadruped veterinary surgery)
Our address:
Mallon Veterinary Practice
Killycolpy Rd
Co Tyrone , BT71 5AW
Tel: 028 8673 7355
E-mail the Surgery (INFO@QUADRUPEDVET.CO.UK)
Practice Web Site: Only enhanced listings show website links
Practice Rating:
General information about this Surgery:
Species treated:
We are a specialist practice treating these small animal groups
We treat the full range of farm animals including equine
We have a particular interest and experience in the treatment of guinea pigs, rabbits, cattle, commercial fish, deer, game, goats, pigs, poultry, racehorses, sheep.
Additional Practice Details
This surgery is near to these places:
Ballymena, Martinstown, Rathkenny, Cloughmills, Corkey, Cargan, McGregors Corner, Craigywarren, Correen
Our surgery Covers:

Mobile Services
We provide a mobile clinic as part of a conventional service
We provide a mobile branch surgery as part of a conventional service
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